3. Sponsel, Charles; Nile, Brett; Baldwin, David; and Sanjan, Hormazd. An Examination of Attitudes of Family Practice Residents in Texas towards Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide. Texas Family Physicians (October-Deceber) 2002;53:58-59.
4. Sponsel, Charles; Alakaya, Molly; Delagado, Charlene; Moreno, Graciela; and Baldwin, David. The Effects of Predominant Primary Care Provider on Patients with Osteoporosis. (Data Analyzed, manuscript in preparation).
5. Sponsel, Charles; Lloveras, Charlene; Moreno, Graciela; and Baldwin, David. Comparison of the results of rapid detection test with standard culture methods for Group A. Streptococcal Pharyngitis among lower social economic population in an outpatient clinic setting. (Data analyzed, manuscript in preparation).