>Physicians Directory

      :: Asif Ansari, MD







VTE despite prophylaxis: what's the next step?
International Society of Hematology, Cancun, Mexico - Apr 12

Troponins in Established Renal Failure
Scottish Renal Association, Glasgow, Scotland - Mar07


Raza S, Ansari A, Trezzi A, Panwar S, Fraser T, Rajeswaran J, Blackstone E, Pettersson G. Infective Endocarditis in Dialysis Patients: Is it Worth Operating? - Manuscript being reviewed for submission.

Ooi A, Dykema K, Ansari A, Petillo D, Kahnoski R, Anema J, Teh BT, Furge KA. CUL3 and NRF2 mutations confer sustained an NRF2 activation phenotype in a sporadic form of Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Res. 2013 Apr 1; 73(7):2044-51.

Ansari J, Hussain SA, Ansari A, Glaholm J. Critical appraisal of Axitinib in the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma. Biologics. 2013; 7:39-46.

Ansari A, Marvin M, Kubat A, Fritz T. An unusual case of swellingClarkson's syndrome- A case report. BMJ Case Rep. 2011 Aug 31; 2011.

Ansari J, Hussain SA, Alhasso A, Ansari A, Glaholm J. Role of second-line systemic treatment post-docetaxel in metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer- current strategies and future directions. Anticancer Agents Med Chern. 2011 Mar 11 (3):296-306.

Ansari A, Ansari H, Banerjee B. Unusual scrotal mass and review of scrotal imaging. Radiography Feb 09; vol15(1) 91-93.

Ansari A, Smith G, Smith W.J. A prospective study on assessing the prognostic significance of Troponin T and I in patients with End Stage Renal Failure. SMJ Nov 08, vol 53 (4).


Impact of Left Ventricular Assist Device on renal function and outcomes Dr. D. Dietzer, Dr. B. Stephany, Dr. S. Demirjian


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