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      :: Harshad Shah, MD


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1. Shields JA, Dolinskas C, Augsburger JJ, Shah HG. Demonsration of orbital varix with computed Tomography and Valsalva Maneuver. AJO, Vol 97, #1, 108-110, Jan. 1984.

2. Shields JA, Augsburger JJ, Wallas HP, Shah HG. Adenoma of the nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body. Ophthal. Vol 90, No. 12, 1528-2530, Dec. 1983.

3. Brown GC, Shah HG, Magargal LE, Savino PJ. Central retinal vein obstruction and carotid artery disease. Presented at A.A.O. Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 1983. Ophthal. Vol 91, No. 12, 1627-1633, Dec. 1984.

4. Brown GC, Magaragal LE, Schachat AP, Shah HG. Neovascular glaucoma etiologic consideration. Presented at A.A.O. Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 1983. Ophthal.No. 4, 315-320, April 1984.

5. Shah, HG, Brown GC, Goldberg RE. Digital subtraction carotid angiography and retinal arterial obstruction. Presented at A.A.O. Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 1983. Ophthal. Vol 92, No. 1, 68-72, Jan. 1985.

6. Shah HG, Woodlief NF, Gruber MA, Brown GC, Green WR. Effect of ND: Yag laser on the primate retinal and choroidal vasculature. Presented at A.A.O. Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 1983. Ophthal. Vol 91, No. 11, 1397-1405, Nov. 1984.

7. Annesley WH, Shah HG, Mansour AM, Decker WL. Krypton red laser photocoagulation of peripapillary subretinal neovascular membranes. Graefe’s Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 224: 101-105, 1986.

8. Sery TW, Shields JA, Augsburger JJ, Shah HG. Photodynamic Therapy of Human Ocular Cancer. Ophthal. Surg. Vol 18, No. 6, 413-418, June 1987.




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